Thursday, October 6, 2011

Selecting candidates by the lowest common denominator

Selecting candidates by the lowest common denominator or "Any one of the Republicans would be a better president than Obama"

How many times in the last month have you heard that phrase from a Republican? 10? 20? 100? To quote the eloquent Cynthia Leathers (Cat lady Extrordinaire) "I'd vote for a turnip with a face painted on it before I'd vote for Obama" But is that what we really want? the least desirable candidate? I mean a turnip would probably be a better president than Obama but I think we need to shoot a little higher.

Call me crazy but I think we should be using this time to try and weed out the poor candidates and select the best candidate and not just sit around and wait to be presented with the worst possible candidate we all can agree upon. The time is quickly approaching where we need to cut some dead wood from the tree. The discussion between candidates needs to go beyond petty sniping and soundbites to actual cold hard facts. What are you going to do? Give us specifics not broad generalities.

That being said Some candidates have to go, and the sooner the better. I like Michele Bachmann I don't care that she got John Wayne's birthplace wrong, but she jumped the crazy fence when she suggested someones child became mentally retarded from a vaccine. The Guardisil vaccine is an injection Lets not make it out to be a gynecological exam on the 50 yard line half time at the Superbowl.

Ron Paul. Ron is a nice guy with some great ideas but he hangs around with too many flakes and nutters. In addition to his good ideas he's offered an amazing array insane ideas. I would need 18 months and a grant from the Library Of Congress to document all the crazy that Ron has spewed just since January 2011. Not the least of which is the notion that Iran with nuclear weapons is no big deal.

Newt Gingrich. Surely he is a smart man, so why does he so often say some of the stupidist things? The Ryan plan may not have been perfect but it was the first and most likely to succeed plan for fiscal solvency that has been offered in the last 40 years. I can only postulate that Newt called the Ryan plan "Right Wing Social Engineering" in an effort to ingratiate himself to the liberal media elite. I have to question the competency of someone who seeks adulation from people who think Obama is doing a good job.

Rick Santorum, Sorry Rick, Guardisil vaccine is not going to make America's 12 year old girls sexually active.

Huntsman? Tap tap tap, Is this on?


Allowing weak candidates to continue will only result in resentment by supporters when their candidate is forced out in the primary process. In addition it will allow a failing candidate to triangulate himself into a better position by denying other viable candidates a win. Remember in 2008, Huckabee stayed in to split off votes from Romney insuring a McCain win.

My point is this; Sure any of these candidates would be better than Obama, but right now I am concerned about finding the one who would be better than all the other Republicans

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